Chocolate – Not so sweet (Extra Credit)

Published October 29, 2014 by djlwsu

Watch these two documentaries below and: 1) Write down 7 things that you learned from film; 2) write down 1 things you plan to share with a friend/family member and what you hope they do with that information; 3) reflect on the information in this video connects with our discussions of race, privilege, stereotypes, inequity, and the restaurant industry; 4) discuss how the video makes you feel

300-400 words

Up to 25 extra credit

Last day December 5

18 comments on “Chocolate – Not so sweet (Extra Credit)

  • 1. The largest chocolate manufactures signed an agreement in 2001 called the Harken Angle Protocol and it states that child labor and trafficking are prohibited.
    2. The children anywhere from 10 to 14 years are promised work and money on the ivory coast and are willing to go and then are sold to farmers where they are worked as slaves.
    3. Almost all the children that are trafficked to the ivory coast are taken from Mali.
    4. The largest cocoa capital of the world is Abijan.
    5. You can purchase a child for 230 euros or roughly 290 dollars.
    6. Most of the children who harvest the chocolate beans have never eaten chocolate before in their entire life.
    7. The average income on the ivory coast is 1000 pounds a year.

    I would share with my friends and family the trafficking behind the chocolate industry, I think some that broad is all what needs to be mentioned due to the fact that almost everyone is simply unaware of it. Forty two percent of the cocoa beans come from the ivory coast and it would be safe to say almost all of the farmers in that area are most commonly between the age of 10 and 16. Every time my friends or family eats chocolate, I would like to just mention those things to them, definitely guilt trip them for sure.

    In a way the video almost reinforces the stereotype of the area, everyone wonders why there is still trafficking and child labor going on in these areas. The reason why is because the head officials and parts of the government have convinced themselves that it is not even taking place. The CEO of one of the largest cocoa bean distributers on the Ivory Coast was convinced that there was no child labor taking place and that there was no proof. There is no privilege in this area, children are promised money and a paying job and are taken to this area where they are put to work and never paid. The most frustrating part about the documentaries I found was the blatant fact that the authorities and high officials had complete blatant disregard and denial that child trafficking and labor was taking place right underneath their feet, while the next frame is showing exactly what they deny. The U.S. and the rest of the world can only do so much to prohibit things of that nature and it saddens me that things there are not being put into action. The real question is would Americans and the rest of the world be willing to pay more for their chocolate if it promised those individuals an income, shoes to put of their feet and possibly electricity?


  • The Ivory Coast is the world’s largest Coco producer

    Child labor and Child trafficking are prohibited in the Coco industry after 2008.

    Children that get taken from their family’s child to work in the Ivory Coast are usually between the ages 11-15.

    Abidjan is the Coco capital of the Ivory Coast.

    A kilo of Coco at 1 euro for the farmer becomes 40 chocolate bars.

    The Coco Crop season starts in October and ends in March

    Tohe A. Malick said that child labor/trafficking is not a problem because they know it is going on. Even though it is against the law

    US congress man and some his staff try to label “Child labor free” on all chocolate in the US

    Child traffickers/labors lied about that made the children in the village

    In the UK only 1 out of 10 Chocolate bars have the Fair-trade logo.

    Fat Al found his mom

    I would tell my friend that even though there are some people that child labor or child trafficking doesn’t happen or they “don’t know” in Coco industry. It happens. It is getting better as the years go on, but there isn’t much we can do. The US and other civilized countries are trying the best they can to stop or slow down child labor and child trafficking. They started enforce laws against child labor and child trafficking and they tried to get more major Chocolate candies/bar companies to get a Fair-logo, etc… Child labor/trafficking is still going on but I think it is getting a little better.
    White people will never have this problem because they have the privilege of growing up in more civilized places and don’t live near a Coco farm. What if you saw picture of little white kids working on a Coco plant. Would you think that looks weird, or never seen that before? What if you saw the Same picture but with little black kids from Milla? You probably would not think twice because there some many pictures of that, or you hear about minorities and child labor all the time. The Coco Industry has a little in common with the Restaurant industry, they both treat the low end of their work force really bad with terrible working conditions and sometimes they don’t even pay them.
    I thought these documentaries were sad. I think it was unfair that children would get taken from there homes and family, hundreds of miles away to work in really bad working conditions with little or no pay. I just wanted to take one of those black kids and give them a nice home, raise them well. I never knew that the Coco industry was so sneaky, with child labor and child trafficking and I never knew how bad it was. I just kinda ate chocolate and didn’t really think about it.


    • What do you mean when you say “civilized places”? How does colonization and imperialism operate here; what role do U.S. corporations and consumers play? Also, how does dominant representations of Africa counties as places without cities impact the conversation. Lastly, how does the existence of sweatshops and human trafficking in the United States impact this conversation as well


  • 1.Chocolate industry is accused of covering up the trafficking of children and the use of child labor on the coco plantations
    2.Most of the coco beans come from Africa
    3.Largest chocolate manufactures signed an agreement in 2001, states that child labor and trafficking of children are prohibited in the coco industry after 2008
    4.Researching the coco industry can be dangerous, April 16th, 2004, French-Canadian journalist was kidnapped in a parking lot of the Ivory Cost doing a story about bribery and was never found
    5.The coco capital is Abidjan, houses the head offices of the largest chocolate manufactures
    6.42% of the worlds coco products come fro the Ivory coast
    7.1 kilo of coco, 1 euro for the farmer turns into 40 chocolate bars

    One thing I would share with family and friends is just the general topic about how there is trafficking going on in the coco industry. It is very apparent that many people are not aware of this problem. Even though there are laws in Africa against child labor and trafficking there are still children from ages ten to fifteen that are apart of it. The children get lured onto buses and get told that they will be paid but most never are. Those are a few other things I would tell friends and family so they become more aware. Africa is a very poor country, and the children that are there have very little privilege, so when they are told they will be paid to get on this bus to go work on a plantation they go for the opportunity to get money. This video also connects with our discussions on the restaurant industry, because like the restaurant industry, workers are not treated right, when there is plenty of money being made in the industry they could provide better care for the workers and could make sure that everyone is getting treated right, even the people that work on plantations because with out them the industry would fail. This video made me feel sad for the children, they are so young put in these harsh conditions, doing work that they aren’t even getting paid for. Plus they are taken away from their families so they literally have no one, and they most likely will never see their family again.


    • Why is it important to think about chocolate within a global context; who are the companies profiting off the industry; what role do consumers play? How does history of slavery and colonization impact here (also, Africa is a continent not a country)


  • 7 things that I learned from two films:
    1)Child labor supposedly not possible to happens, since major chocolate manufacturer signed agreement prohibit child labor/trafficking in cocoa plantation after 2008.
    2)10-15 children from 12-15 y/o mainly from rural areas trafficked at a time, kept and sold to local farmer in Ivory Coast.
    3)cannot pinned trafficking on one person, since different people did different parts (one sent to border, another receives those child, etc. )
    4) traffickers uses back road to avoid be detected (uses bikes instead of taking the bus)
    5) Chocolate companies issued single statement condemning child labor, but none willing to accept responsibility.
    6) under international law, any work that interferes with schooling are prohibited and considered child labor/slavery.
    7)Fair trade does have a system to keep track where cocoa came from, but not necessarily means that child labor/slavery does not occur.

    2nd : I would share with my family on the information that fair trade does not necessarily means that child labor/slavery does not occur. It is safe to assume that most people, including me, may not be aware on this fact and simply assumed that fair trade guarantee that child labor does not involved. Fair trade merely means that chocolate producer have the initiative to buy those cocoa with a fair price, and mostly on the price issue itself and not labor issue. I hope that we all be more critical when thinking about to purchase cocoa based product in the future.

    3rd: Information in this video connects with our discussion mainly in the sense of inequality and the restaurant industry where profits somehow way more important than sense of humanity. The children and restaurant workers had to work for long hour and exposed to stuff that may endanger themselves without the right compensations. Also, not a single person or organisation or even country leader claim responsibility for things that happened, and not even a definite action taken to fully resolve these issues.

    4th: Personally, this video made me very frustrated. The issue of child slavery has been happening for years, and yet people keeps on pointing fingers and or pretend nothing serious happens (for example the Ivory’s minister feedback in first video). Again, it seems like profits and self-interest are way more important than humanity values.


  • 1. Child labor is cheap and sometimes free in west Africa, that is why child trafficking is popular in this region to farm the crop of cocoa
    2. Children are taken from Barkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, and Mali and are taken to the Ghana and the Ivory coast to farm cocoa
    3. Beans are sold to intemedaries at 1 kilo for 1 euro.
    4. 1 kilo = 40 chocolate bars
    5. cocoa beans are dried in the sun
    6. children are transported easily from country to country in this region
    7. international chocolate companies are supposed to use child labor free chocolate

    Some things that I would share with my family and friends would be that child labor is a problem in third world countries. In this region of Africa it is sort of an enslavement of young children between the ages of eight to sixteen. The children do not get paid, and if they are lucky their parents or guardian might reap the benefit of a couple of dollars.

    In west Africa third parties come in from Europe and America and offer dirt for the countries abundant resources. They offer one euro for one kilo. One kilo of cocoa beans can produce forty chocolate bars. Now for a chocolate company in Europe these chocolate bars can go for as much as three euros. That’s a 300% profit off of one chocolate bar. I feel that this is unfair to the African countries since it is their crop and they are not reaping the benefits. This is not just the case with cocoa but with many natural resources that Africa has to offer such as gold, silver etc.. Other countries go into these west African countries and offer them close to nothing in which the resource is well worth more than, and knowing that these west African countries suffer from corruption and poverty these intermediaries will offer nothing compared to what that resource is worth.


  • 1. The plantation owners pay the traffickers to take the children across
    2. Children are taken as young as 8 years old
    3. 42 percent of the world’s cocoa production comes from the ivory coast
    4. The cocoa production starts in October and runs through May
    5. Traffickers use the back roads to take children across
    6. Buying children costs 230 euros
    7. 1 out of 10 chocolate bars carry the Fair trade logo

    The one thing I would want to share with my family and friends is that child labor is still being used today in poor countries. Child trafficking is being used to keep the chocolate industry surviving. They will have no idea what it is like to eat one of those bars and get the history behind making them. I would tell them that children from 11 to 15 years old are being used to produce the cocoa.

    The information in this video connects with the discussion of race and privilege. White people do have a privilege, making it easier for us to get what we want. Privilege should be earned from every individual and not just by the color of their race. Race is everywhere and there is nothing we can do about it, people will keep making the same mistakes if we don’t fix it.

    These two videos made me feel sad. I had to think about how young they are being taken away from their families and have to go to work to make a living. The children are sad and helpless with the jobs they have at the plantations. They don’t get paid or have any working conditions. The children don’t see their families from years down the road. Before this video I never stopped and thought to myself where the chocolate was coming from and how it was being produced. Now since I have seen the video, am I willing to eat this chocolate with labors that go on behind it?


  • 1) Coco beans originated from Africa
    2) Africa is the largest contributor in the process of making chocolate
    3) 6.5% percent of coco products come from the Ivory coast
    4) Children’s are being sold and turn into slaves working on farms for the coco industry
    5) After 2008 child labor and trafficking of children was against the law
    6) The average income in ivory coast is 1000 pounds per year
    7) Child labor in the ivory coast fuels the worldwide in the chocolate business

    I would tell my family and friends next time you have a piece of chocolate just think about where it came from, children from 10 to 16 are forced to hard labor, are beaten whenever, and never get paid just to provide this piece of chocolate to us. Many of the children stay at the coco plantation until death and never are returned home like promise. Child labor and trafficking has been against the law since 2008 but still today in Africa it still happens. I hope my friends and family will take this information, just remember it and think about it, and even do some of their own research on it.

    These videos connect with our discussion in many ways like inequality, injustice, and restaurant industry. The coco and restaurant industry shown to both have inequality occurring throughout. Both industries are more focus on the profits comes in rather than the human life. The children in africa and restaurant employees are the real life slaves in today society, they work hard hours without certain of how much pay or none at all. I feel like no one wants to step up to these major issue’s that are occurring on a daily basis.

    This video gave me the idea that the world doesn’t care about human life instead the world and major companies just want to make profit at any cost. How can we live like this and have no one take responsibility for the coco industry. This video angered me in many different ways I know certain countries know what’s going on in Africa but they are just sitting there letting children become slaves and being worked to death. These kids are 10 to 15 years old dying just for money that they aren’t getting and chocolate they cant eats.


  • 1. 3 million Tons of chocolate are consumed every year
    2. The Swiss company, Barry Callebaut is the world’s largest cocoa mass supplier for the industry. Most of their cocoa comes from the Ivory Coast
    3. Signed in 2001, the largest chocolate manufactures singed that child trafficking was illegal and it would come into play in 2008.
    4. A child can be bought for 230 Euros.
    5. One pod can produce up to 7 chocolate bars
    6. Ghana is the world’s second largest supplier of cocoa, while the Ivory Coast is the first.
    7. Most of the time, children are given away by a relative or someone that they know.

    One thing that I will share with both my friends and family is the harsh reality about child trafficking and child labor going on in West Africa in the cocoa industry. I would like them to know about what really goes on behind every bite of their favorite chocolate bar. With this information I don’t plan for them to completely stop eating chocolate, but for them to be more consensus about where foods that they eat come from.

    There is a clear connection between these videos to the topic of the restaurant industry. They both have a 2-sided story. The first side is the happy pleasant one where the customer or consumer is treated like royalty and has a very pleasurable experience, either enjoying a chocolate bar or eating at a restaurant. Then there is the other side of the story where there are all sorts of inhumane and abusive situations going on. In the case of the restaurant industry, workers are getting paid $2.13 an hour, with no insurance, and no sick leave. In the case of the videos, we have children who are usually aged from 12 to 15 years of age, sometimes even 8 years old, being trafficked and forced to work as slaves.

    This video makes me feel both sad and angry at the same time. It saddens me to see such young children being taken from their families and being forced to work thousands of miles from home every single day as slaves. It also angers me to see how people who have power, and know what is going on, choose to deny it, and do nothing about it.


  • Majority of the coco-beans come from the Ivory-Coast
    Children are prohibited from working within the coco-bean fields, but they still are being trafficked
    Majority of the trafficking it happens at the bus station
    the third largest coco contributor in the world makes 135,000,000 Euros a year
    Some of the children are aged from 10-16 and don’t go to school or speak the local language.
    It cost 230 Euros for a child and thats without haggling
    This work is extremely dangerous work for the kids and is extremely saddening because we have only seen a little change in this.

    With this film Im going to start talking more about this to my family that we have to stop buying any of these products, because its extremely sad for me seeing this that they still don’t enforce harsher laws on these companies and don’t do regular check ups on where they get their coco from and see if they have child labor. Whats more saddening that I have to cousins adopted from Africa and they could have been taking and put into child labor. I would be hopping that we can possible send multiple letters or even have papers signed to have the companies boycott the places they get their coco from.

    With this it goes with how race and under paid workers go with working in a restaurant because they put them in the field, where as a restaurant well put majority of their under the table employees in the back and make them do all the hard work, and they get away with this because they don’t have to record any of this because they are not legally hired by the company and aren’t in their books.

    With this video it makes me feel extremely heart broken, because you here how in the States they regulate any farming place and make sure they aren’t doing anything about child labor. But then you get chocolate companies buying coco from places that buy stolen kids and put them into child labor, and the child are in extremely dangerous working conditions. With what I said before two of my cousins where adopted from Africa and I don’t know what I would think if I never met them, and there could be the possibility that they might have had friends, family or fellow of the other orphan children going into child labor.


  • 1. The largest producer of cocoa is in Africa in the Ivory Coast.
    2. Child trafficking should not be possible because the Chocolate Manufacturers Association signed an agreement in 2001 stating that trafficking and labor of children is prohibited in the cocoa industry after 2008.
    3. I had no idea children were trafficked to work in the cocoa industry.
    4. These children that work in the cocoa industry don’t go to school many of the times.
    5. Most children who are trafficked for the cocoa industry are between the ages of 12 and 15.
    6. Fair trade is a system that makes sure poor farmers in developing countries get a fair price for their crops and an extra fair trade premium so they can invest in their future.
    7. Ghana is the 2nd largest producer of cocoa and this is where the vast majority of trafficked children are taken to work.

    Chocolate that is marked with the fair trade symbol is not guaranteed to be fair trade. If child labor/trafficking is found they fight against it but it’s not always stopped. I think people should know about this reality that’s going on in the cocoa industry and stop purchasing chocolate from these companies.

    There is clearly a huge inequality problem in the cocoa industry. The families that are subjected to these tragedies are poor and like the mothers in the film said, “What could they do?” They have no power over these men and other people who trade children. The cocoa industry is worth billions of dollars and these people who produce our cocoa don’t have shoes on their feet, electricity, education many of the time, or any power in what happens to their families. Families trade their own family members into the cocoa industry because they are poor and don’t have many other options so they think this is the best decision. With all the money that the cocoa industry makes, all of this could be stopped. These workers could easily be paid fairly and not have to work such excruciating hours and if this happened, these children wouldn’t have to be slaves in the industry. Then these families would not have to sell their children. These billion dollar chocolate companies are run by white men and do not care enough about this problem because the children are colored and they make more money this way.

    This video was very sad. I love chocolate and eat it almost every day and after watching this, I feel horrible for ever buying from these companies. I had no idea that children as young as 8 years old were working as slaves in the cocoa industry and I was shocked to find out they are actually trafficked for this reason. I did not know they went to such extreme lengths to produce cocoa. I have never thought about where my chocolate really comes from but now that I know a little bit about it, I feel terrible. Everyone should know about this and we should care and not support these companies.


  • 1. More than 10 million people depend on Coco
    2. Burkina Faso is a place where children are taken from their home to become slaves wo work for free
    3. Ivory Coast is the first producer and Ghana is the second producer of Coco
    4. In 2001 Coco producers signed a paper to prohibit child labor and trafficking of children after 2008
    5. Girls ages 11-12 and guys ages 12-14 are taken to the ivory coast or Ghana to work in coco farms
    6. The price to get a child to work in Coco farms star at 230 Euros (about $285)
    7. The annual income for the Ivory Coast is 1,000 pounds a year
    I think the one thing I plan to share with my family is what actually goes into making chocolate and where it comes from. I believe that this issue of child trafficking is a major issue, but it is also an issue that does not have enough coverage about it. By informing people about this issue is the first step to being able to prevent this issue. Everyday children are becoming a victim to child trafficking without the possibility of being able to escape from it. This video reflects closely with the restaurant industry. The reason this connects to the restaurant industry is because like the restaurant industry people are unaware of what is actually going on and what goes into making the food that people enjoy. Until people actually take time to consider where their food is coming from then this problem with continue to exist. This video gives me mixed emotions. I feel very disturbed that these children are being taken from their families to work as slaves in Coco farms. What I am more disturbed about is how top producers of chocolate like Nestle have all signed papers to prevent child trafficking, yet these companies continue to buy from these places. I strongly believe that if we bring attention to this issue then that is the only way we are able to stop this phenomenon.


  • 1.11-14 years old is the average age for the child slaves on the cocoa plantations but in some cases there are children as young as 7 years old.
    2.It cost 230 euros to transport a child across the border for intent to use as a slaves.
    3.The children will be beaten if they refuse to work or if they are working too slowly.
    4.These children do not attend school and most of the time they do not speak the local language.
    5.The children are promised to be paid at the plantations but almost never are.
    6.There are children taken from their homes everyday, some days are worse then others.
    7.Investigating the plantations is very dangerous, it is necessary to go undercover in order to protect yourself.

    What I plan to share with my friends and family is that there are children being used as slaves and the big chocolate companies are doing little to nothing to change that. I hope that my friends and family will research the topic more, by reading articles and watching more documentaries. Everyone loves chocolate but I think they might change their minds after knowing that these innocent children are being taken from their homes and are forced to work in miserable conditions just so we can have our sugar cravings met.

    This connects a lot to our discussions about the restaurant industry and stereotypes. The workers always seem to get the short end of the stick. Although in this case the children have absolutely no say in how they are treated compared to the restaurant workers in America who have the right to speak up but their needs might not always be met. Another way it is similar to the restaurant industry is that the companies only care about the profit that is coming in, the often refuse to listen when the topic of child slavery comes up because they don’t seem to care. That is where you can see the affects of stereotypes. In my eyes I would assume that the big man on the business side of the chocolate industry, would not bat an eye when asked about child slavery because in his eyes all he can see are dollar signs and it saddens me to see that my stereotype on the business people from the chocolate industry seem to be true.

    This also connects to our discussions on race and privilege. Many of the plantation workers have never tasted the final product of chocolate. All the hard labor that goes into getting the cocoa beans out with the use of a machete and they’ve never even tasted it. All of their work is going towards benefiting the rest of the world. The main consumers of chocolate are the U.S and many European countries. This is where you can see the race and white privilege coming into play.

    These documentaries really opened my eyes to the whole situation. I have never even imagined that slavery could still be happening in this day and age. That might just me being an ignorant college kid, but I am shocked. I hate that issues like these do not get more publicity. I think that if more people made a statement about how wrong it is to use children as slaves then it would put more pressure on the major chocolate companies to actually do something about the issue. The chocolate industry is making millions every year, the least they can do is to check up on the plantations to make sure they are following the laws and are providing a safe work environment for all their employees and especially make sure there are NO children slaves.


  • 1. Cocoa industry is accused of coving up the trafficking of children from Africa villages to plantations with empty promises of financial security.
    2. Ivory Coast is the world’s largest Coco producer
    3. 42 % of world largest cocoa production come from Ivory coast
    4. On kilo of cocoa is enough to make 40 chocolate bars
    5. Cocoa season begins in October and ends in March.
    6. Biggest chocolate manufactures signed a contract in 2001 forbidding the use of child labor
    7. It is usually close family who bring children to boarder in efforts to sell child to plantation.

    What I plan on sharing with my friends and family about the problem of child labor in the cocoa industry and explain under what conditions the employees (children) are forced to endure. Having laws in place in Africa are essential in keeping peace and making sure citizens and are not doing anything illegal. But those who are suppose to enforce these laws are not upholding the laws and are sweeping under the rug the practice of child labor and are looking the other way.
    What I can connect to class lectures and reading is that families who either are aware of their child being sold to a plantation in hopes of making some type of income is not uncommon. We see single mothers in the United States working multiple jobs in order to meet ends meet and that is what these children are trying to do. I could see in a rural area that for a child schooling may not be a priority but that is because those children are focused on other essential biological needs like eating. May of these children do not see any money and in most case are not given any type of compensation for their days work. Instead theses children are lied into trafficking and sold. Not only is hunger an issue, but so is the horrid working conditions these children face every day. Improper use of pesticides and using no protection can be detrimental to a healthy person and in the case of the ill-nourished children, some do not stand a chance as they are simply not strong enough and die cause of illness. This video was very disturbing as learning that a sweet and tasty treat that is exported by big brand names throughout the cocoa industry are using child labor to make big companies millions of money.


  • 1.) Cocoa beans are from Africa
    2.) The country, Abidjan, inhabits the largest number of chocolate manufacturers
    3.) Exporters of cocoa beans make over 135 billion Euros
    4.) The chocolate industry, Barry Callebaught, is oblivious about how their cocoa beans are produced
    5.) Multiple number of child smugglers are payed to smuggle children into the Ivory Coast
    6.) Children from ages 10-14 are working at cocoa plantations
    7.) In some days, over 100 children or more are taken to the Ivory Coast to work at the cocoa plantations with no pay

    A piece of information that I would like to share from the documentary with a friend or family member is the fact that child labor exist today. I would hope that this friend or family member of mine would share every bit of this information towards others. That way, this would spread the amount of support of opposing child labor today in Africa as hundreds of children are taken to the Ivory Coast in order to work at the cocoa plantations with little or no pay and obtaining abuse if not working hard enough. This may significantly tell people all over the globe to describe the seriousness of this situation where they will take a stand against the existence of child labor.

    This video connects to the discussion on race and stereotypes by showing that people in Africa have terrible behaviors towards children and government officials of the country will not take much action to fix problems like this. Privilege is likely visible towards these innocent children due to noticing that they have limited opportunities that will enable them to take care of themselves on a daily basis. Inequity is shown when many of them are not getting paid with the large amount of work being done at the cocoa plantations. Connecting this documentary upon the restaurant industry not only demonstrates where chocolate comes from, but where the ingredients and supplies used are also from.

    It saddens me to find out that children in Africa at such a young age have gone through such a dreadful and miserable experience like this. I was shocked that government officials are not doing anything to prevent child labor from existing today. I felt extremely emotional when the video had shown faces of the children that experienced such a tragedy. I almost fell into tears.


  • 1. Chocolate is consumed the most in Europe.
    2. Chocolate is made from coco bean which is from Africa and South America.
    3. Cocoa plant have been used child labor even though it is absolutely unacceptable.
    4. Children believe the owner’s saying that they can earn money in Ivory coast.
    5. Most of the children work without paying.
    6. Ivory coast is the largest coco producing place.
    7. Some adult’s know this situation but they ignore this situation.

    I would like to share this with my family and friends and willing to discuss. Sharing the shocking information that children are still working like slave in 1700, I will make them spread out these miserable and unacceptable reality. Furthermore, I usually don’t eat chocolate, I would like to make my friends not to buy it.

    This video definitely contain privilege and inequalities. Even though the producers, young children age 12 to 15 never taste the product, the working like slaves. Because of their hard working, the price of coco bean is 1 Euro per kilogram. The condition the children cannot reach the proper education and cannot speak their local language shows inequality in the world between developed country and developing country.
    Trafficking children from Mali to Ivory coast is carried out systemically by adults. More than 3 people transport children whose age is 10~15, and sell them. It cost only 230 Euro to bring children to plant. They never get paid, and they are chased by the plant owner when they are escaped.
    The most shocking thing is the government and adult ignore or using this situation to make their own profit.

    After I saw this clips, I really feel sorry to the children. It is very shocked that the children in some country treat bad under the situation and adults in the country ignore their suffer. During my life, I complaint often when my finance situation or other condition goes bad.
    I hope to eliminate this unacceptable behavior.


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